Fashion | L’antico si fonde con il presente, il conosciuto con lo sconosciuto. La moda proposta da Alejandro Barrón è un mix di forme e colori che si ispira al Messico, la sua terra di origine, e si manifesta in tutte le sue sfaccettature, tra ciò che è visto e ciò che è immaginato.

Born in the state of Hidalgo, Alejandro Barrón studied architecture in Guadalajara, Mexico, before completing a master's degree in fashion and design at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

His creations, authentic and original, will be present together with eiDesign at Milan Fashion Week 2020, from 18 to 23 February, transporting the observer on a mythical journey into the tradition and history of Mexico.



Alejandro Barrón's feminine world merges with contemporary ancestral and iconographic images of his country to create ready-to-wear pieces with a unique imprint, cosmopolitan and indigenous at the same time.

The fashion world of Alejandro Barron born from the union of traditional techniques with highly sensorial geometric expressions, capable of making its garments into real works of art to wear.





The colors and textures of her clothes convey refinement and purity, for a look that inspires and satisfies the aesthetic needs of women, enhancing the figure, lightness and proportions with contemporary touches but linked to the mystery of a land that is sometimes unknown as well as mysterious.