Product DesignWhen it comes to sustainability and in particular to sustainable design, we cannot fail to speak of natural fibers, one of which is hemp.

Grown for thousands of years all over the world, hemp is a type of raffia fiber and it comes from the stem of the plant. Just like jute or linen. Hemp is a vegetable that is open to several uses; medicine, construction, food, cosmetics, and of course even design.

From hemp you can get fabrics, paper, chipboards, bioplastics, etc. All the materials that, today (and not only) are commonly used in fashion and design. Representing, in fact, an innovative, conscious and sustainable production and sale alternative.


Hemp collection ecoepoque


Hemp has many characteristics that make it the sustainable material for excellence, for example:

  • it is biodegradable, unlike synthetic fibers, as it does not pollute once its life cycle is over, as happens with fabrics derived from petroleum.

  • does not require pesticides, chemicals, synthetic fertilizers or transgenic seeds during cultivation.

  • helps reduce the presence of parasites in neighboring plants.

  • it needs very little water and soil (with a yield double that of cotton)

  • it is grown in every season of the year, renewing itself with each growth cycle and nourishing the underlying soil.

  • its roots retain the soil avoiding possible erosions.

  • performs a "purifying" function by absorbing more carbon dioxide from trees and removing toxins from the soil thanks to its long roots.

  • it is used in all its parts, being used in different sectors.


Rocking Horse-LivingHemp


Hemp plastic chair


But not only. Hemp fiber is able to protect the skin from UV rays, has a great thermal capacity (which allows you to keep warm in winter and cool in summer), is antimicrobial, antibacterial, hypoallergenic and anti-odor, not irritates the skin and is very flexible and resistant. Features that allow it to withstand wear, mold, damage caused by sunlight or dirt for a long time and well.

All peculiarities that crown hemp as the main material in the creation of 100% natural fabrics. But also fine paper, packaging and furnishing elements.



Hemp flower


As mentioned, in fact, nothing is thrown away from this plant. And it is no coincidence that bioplastic is created on its fibrous part, the one that represents "processing waste". A totally plant-based substance

Useful for creating tables, stools, storage boxes, plates, trays, wallpaper, etc. Versatile objects, 100% natural and ecological, designed for daily use also thanks to the great resistance and durability of this extraordinary material, one of a kind. And, above all, respectful of the environment.