
    eiDesign selection

    eiDesign selection

Heterotopia Project

Where several different layers coexist together to create a heterotopic world


    eiDesign selection

The project aims to promote independence for designers and consumers by developing biofabrication technique based on 3 simple ingredients. The heterotopic approach was used as a strategy to transform unicellular algae into a modular gown that complies with the circular economy principles. The produced biomaterial was explored as a fabric, supplementary instrument, and independent product

This project is a condensed expression of the art of creation and the joy of making, which reflects my exploration process. My mission with this project is to show my journey of material discovery and enable you to express yourself with Biofabrication, Biochromes, and textile combinations by equipping you with the necessary skills and knowledge to join the renaissance of sewing.

Today is a great time for makers and the conditions are going to become even better as more of us will retrieve our needles and will demand dressmaking to be recognized as an elusive, respectable skill.




It is not the finished work that gives the Maker the enjoyment of art, but rather the art in itself, the process of exploration and the action of creating it. Biofabrication is the essence where art, science, and design come together and go hand in hand as a single ephemeral artistic essence, which means that each product has a limited time and is not designed to last forever.

Thus we are obliged to be responsible for its recycling and be more aware of the planet and the limitations of the available natural resources. Biofabricator is a very contrasting way of product fabrication. De jure you perform in a way that you are aware of the fragile equilibrium in the world around you and the shortness of the resources. This forces you to work harder and to be more ingenious.

For the biomanufacturer, such ephemerality and, for the most part, the entirety of imperfections makes the idea so powerful and, after all, so contagious. The purpose is not to be technically perfect, but rather to accept the things that make us human and then share that humanity with others. For those of you who believe in art, nature, and beauty, they will win eventually.


Heterotopia is understood as worlds inserted in another, and that act as a mirror as well as a distorted image of what is outside, so in a certain sense they are the materialization of utopia, or at least of the imaginary.

This project is a world where several different layers coexist together to create a heterotopic world. The study of Heterotopia was carried out by Ernst Haeckel, a biologist and illustrator that I have always felt a great predilection for, since the drawings have followed a large part of my inspiration since it is a very illustrative way of knowing the microorganisms that surround us and coexist with us.





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Heterotopia Project

Where several different layers coexist together to create a heterotopic world


    eiDesign selection

The project aims to promote independence for designers and consumers by developing biofabrication technique based on 3 simple ingredients. The heterotopic approach was used as a strategy to transform unicellular algae into a modular gown that complies with the circular economy principles. The produced biomaterial was explored as a fabric, supplementary instrument, and independent product

This project is a condensed expression of the art of creation and the joy of making, which reflects my exploration process. My mission with this project is to show my journey of material discovery and enable you to express yourself with Biofabrication, Biochromes, and textile combinations by equipping you with the necessary skills and knowledge to join the renaissance of sewing.

Today is a great time for makers and the conditions are going to become even better as more of us will retrieve our needles and will demand dressmaking to be recognized as an elusive, respectable skill.




It is not the finished work that gives the Maker the enjoyment of art, but rather the art in itself, the process of exploration and the action of creating it. Biofabrication is the essence where art, science, and design come together and go hand in hand as a single ephemeral artistic essence, which means that each product has a limited time and is not designed to last forever.

Thus we are obliged to be responsible for its recycling and be more aware of the planet and the limitations of the available natural resources. Biofabricator is a very contrasting way of product fabrication. De jure you perform in a way that you are aware of the fragile equilibrium in the world around you and the shortness of the resources. This forces you to work harder and to be more ingenious.

For the biomanufacturer, such ephemerality and, for the most part, the entirety of imperfections makes the idea so powerful and, after all, so contagious. The purpose is not to be technically perfect, but rather to accept the things that make us human and then share that humanity with others. For those of you who believe in art, nature, and beauty, they will win eventually.


Heterotopia is understood as worlds inserted in another, and that act as a mirror as well as a distorted image of what is outside, so in a certain sense they are the materialization of utopia, or at least of the imaginary.

This project is a world where several different layers coexist together to create a heterotopic world. The study of Heterotopia was carried out by Ernst Haeckel, a biologist and illustrator that I have always felt a great predilection for, since the drawings have followed a large part of my inspiration since it is a very illustrative way of knowing the microorganisms that surround us and coexist with us.





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