
    eiDesign selection

    eiDesign selection


FW21 a sustainable denim collaboration with JEANOLOGIA and ALPARGATAS Textil

    eiDesign selection

Fw 21-22/ Inspired by glitch art, by the error of technology, a parallel is generated between artisan and technological work; universes that share the error, the unexpected, the fragility of perfection. Behind the technology there is a -invisible- craft work. A critique of current times, where we pretend the immediate, the polished; we must begin to rethink our demands and observe the beauty of spontaneity of making mistakes, finding aesthetics in the unexpected, the poetics of error. Is there something more natural than to be wrong?






FW21 a sustainable denim collaboration with JEANOLOGIA and ALPARGATAS Textil

    eiDesign selection

Fw 21-22/ Inspired by glitch art, by the error of technology, a parallel is generated between artisan and technological work; universes that share the error, the unexpected, the fragility of perfection. Behind the technology there is a -invisible- craft work. A critique of current times, where we pretend the immediate, the polished; we must begin to rethink our demands and observe the beauty of spontaneity of making mistakes, finding aesthetics in the unexpected, the poetics of error. Is there something more natural than to be wrong?